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Teaching in Classroom


On this page, you will find a collection of materials that were compiled within the span of the project by our amazing partners. From how-to guides to inspirational case studies.

Click on the preview picture to download each file.

"Classroom as a Makerspace" set up toolkit

In the 21st century, STEAM has a big presence in the daily and professional lives of humans, and there is a high chance that you are already doing more on STEAM education than you might think. To make the next step into the world of STEAM, our toolkit gets you directly underway to turn your classroom into a Makerspace! It does not only provide you with the latest insights on the matter but also includes examples and practical templates & tools for you to quickly take action and achieve concrete results.

Best Practices Guidebook

In this Guidebook we are hoping to inspire you to turn your own classroom into a makerspace. Here, we have collected different methods to do so – from the classic Makerspace setup to more interesting approaches to do so. 

Young Future Workers
Guide for employers & schools

This guide enables a framework where companies, employers and schools can cooperate by providing real cases coming from companies that schools can use as case studies. In this way, schools get input for their classes, companies show what kind of skills are requested in the real working environment and students increase their motivation, while working in cases coming directly from companies.

Pupil's Resource Guidebook

This document aims to be a guide to lead the different parties involved in the integration of a student in a business context, namely: the student, the school and its teachers and the company and its employees. 

Pupil Driven & Professional Network Toolkit

Innovative aspect of IO5 is that it not just enables teachers to set up or expand their world of work network, it shows them the way of how to do so pupil driven: using the abilities, exploration and networks of the pupils themselves.

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